Tailor made for:

Individual Players

Backed by renowned instructors, BodiTrak is the perfect companion for any level golfer, looking to drastically improve their game.

BodiTrak Education Course:

Golf Pro’s around the globe have utilized our acclaimed education resources to better utilize BodiTrak in their instruction. Today, we are making that available to everyone.

Now, when you purchase a BodiTrak Product, you will gain free access to this instruction portal.

Certification in BodiTrak Ground Mechanics

Need a BodiTrak Instructor?

Are you trying to locate a BodiTrak Certified Instructor near you? Let us know! We have over 6,000 certified instructors globally.
Tell us what city and country you live in, and we will locate the closest instructor to you!

My job is to make golfers better so they have more fun. With BodiTrak, I can quickly shed light on how the golfer in front of me can move better and improve their swing sequence for more rewarding golf shots.

- Martin Chuck, Owner of Tour Striker

Golf Instructors

Instuctors all over the globe rely on and utilize BodiTrak to help empower and improve their players.


Individual Players

BodiTrak is the most portable and affordable pressure plate on the market, and is tailor made for the individual golfer who wants to drastically improve their game.

Ready to elevate your game?